Interview by Julie Mandruzzato The Snobby Cellar. Nicolas Jurnjack is a character that goes with the flow. There is lava inside the magma of his mind where all the creative substance splatters into numerous projects. We asked him what will be next for him as success seems to hold his hand.
Read MoreRazgovarao: Denis Pucelj . Intervju Nicolas Jurnjack. Denis Puceli interviews international fashion hairstylist Nicolas Jurnjack.
Ovaj je intervju namijenjen svima vama koji želite više raditi u modi – nadamo se da će vas njegovi savjeti inspirirati kao što su i nas te da će vam pomoći na vašem karijernom putu. English translation:: This interview is intended for all of you who would like to work in the fashion industry - we hope that this will inspire you and help you on your career path.
Intervju Nicolas Jurnjack: Radili ste s modnim dizajnerima kao što su John Galliano, Alexander McQueen i Jean Paul Gaultier. Kako je bilo surađivati s njima? Možete li objasniti svoj kreativni proces i kako se stvaraju frizure za modne revije? / You have worked with fashion designers such as John Galliano, Alexander McQueen and Jean Paul Gaultier. How was it to work with them? Can you explain your creative process and how the hairstyles for fashion shows are made?